DISNEYのAccounting & Finance Rotation Program Analyst, August 2025 or February 2026 Skip Navigation
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Accounting & Finance Rotation Program Analyst, August 2025 or February 2026

応募 後で応募 Job ID 10099804 勤務地-都市 Lake Buena Vista, フロリダ州, アメリカ合衆国 勤務地-国 The Walt Disney Company (Corporate) 掲載日 2024/09/04


About the Role & Team

The Accounting & Finance Rotation Program (AFRP) is a full-time entry-level program designed to provide recent college graduates a cross-functional, enterprise-wide learning experience within the Controllership and Finance departments at The Walt Disney Company. AFRP Analysts will participate in four distinct rotations designed to build key technical and leadership skills needed to succeed within the many businesses of Disney. Analysts will set goals for their program experience allowing them to develop, grow, and enhance the necessary skills to become strong accounting and finance professionals. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be considered for various opportunities in the accounting organizations within The Walt Disney Company.

What You Will Do

  • Diverse Experiences: Participate in four 6-month rotations throughout the Controllership and Finance organizations, gaining exposure to the many different businesses of The Walt Disney Company and the Entertainment Industry. Rotations are available in the following areas: Corporate, Disney Entertainment, and Disney Experiences.
  • Building Your Expertise: Strengthen your Accounting and Financial Planning skills through concentrated work in the areas of: Operational/Transactional Accounting, Financial Reporting, Corporate Tax & Audit, and Finance.
  • Work Towards Your CPA: AFRP provides the necessary resources and tools to study and take the parts of the CPA exam and will satisfy work-hour requirements to become licensed by the Florida State Board of Accountancy.
  • Professional Development: Analysts will follow specialized curriculum to build communication, leadership, presentation, writing and other professional and leadership skills.
  • Expanding Your Network: Opportunities to meet with peers and senior leaders from the many different businesses within the company and the industry.
  • Formal Mentorship: Analyst will be matched with a senior level manager who will provide ongoing development, leadership insights and direction to help make the two-year program even more valuable. Opportunities for informal mentorship and partnership will also happen throughout the program.

Required Qualifications & Skills

Candidates demonstrate a combination of academic proficiency, quantitative skills, personal motivation, and advanced written and oral communications skills. We are specifically looking for individuals who have the following background:

  • A desire to become licensed as a CPA
  • Business experience through internships, part-time work, and/or on-campus involvement
  • Dedication to building a career in accounting
  • Proven track record to take on leadership positions and significant responsibility
  • Willingness to permanently relocate to Orlando, FL
  • Available to begin full-time by August 2025 or February 2026

Preferred Qualifications

  • Meet all credit-hour qualifications to sit for the CPA exam prior to starting with the program


  • Currently enrolled in a college or university and working towards a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business, Economics or related, with a focus on Accounting
  • Preferred Education
  • 3.5 GPA or higher preferred

The Walt Disney Company (Corporate) について:

The Walt Disney Companyでは強力なブランドが集結し、最も革新的で、広範囲にわたる影響力と尊敬される企業をグローバルで構築しています。記憶に残るエンターテインメントと体験の裏では、才能ある人材で構成された多種多様なビジネスサポートチームが、ディズニーの比類なきストーリーに生命を吹き込むために尽力しています。

The Walt Disney Company について:

The Walt Disney Companyは、その子会社・関連会社とともに、多様性あふれる国際企業として、Disney Entertainment、ESPN、Disney Experiencesの3事業を柱に、ファミリー向けエンターテインメントとメディアの世界をけん引しています。1920年代に小さなアニメ・スタジオとしてスタートしたDisneyは、今日のエンターテインメント業界において卓越した存在となりました。ディズニーは今後も、子供から大人まで、ご家族のだれもが楽しめる一流の物語や体験を生み出し続けます。Disneyのストーリーやキャラクター、体験は、世界中のあらゆる場所の消費者やお客様に届けられています。当社は40カ国以上で、従業員とキャストメンバーが一丸となり、世界的にも地域的にも歓迎されるエンターテインメント体験を創出しています。

このポジションは Disney Financial Services, LLC という事業部門の一つである The Walt Disney Company (Corporate)でのお仕事です。

Disney Financial Services, LLC は機会均等雇用主です。応募者は、人種、宗教、肌の色、性別、性的指向、ジェンダー、性自認、性表現、国籍、家柄、年齢、配偶者の有無、軍役経験の有無やその地位、健康状態、遺伝情報や障がい、または連邦法や州法、地方法で禁止されているその他の法的根拠に関係なく、雇用の検討対象となります。Disneyは、すべての人々のアイデアと決断が、成長、革新、最高のストーリーの創造に役立ち、絶えず進化する世界において、価値ある存在になれるよう支援するビジネス環境を支持します。

応募 後で応募




  • 財務&会計, Lake Buena Vista, フロリダ州, アメリカ合衆国削除